Structuring Diversity – Structuring Religion. Religious Diversity and Human Heterogeneity in Society

International Conference, 30th March - 1st April 2023, University of Lucerne & online

Organised by the Department for the Study of Religions, University of Lucerne (Switzerland), in cooperation with the Swiss Association for the Study of Religions (SGR-SSSR), the department for cultural studies, Univesity of Lucerne, the department of History, Federal University of Paraná (Brazil) and the Study of Religions, Philipps University Marburg (Germany).


Religion can be addressed as diversity category, organizing groups, power and knowledge within a society. At the same time, bodily and social differences interact with religious contexts. By linking those topics, the conference contributes to a better understanding of social differences and inequalities caused or addressed by religions in a globalized world.

In short: How does religion structure diversity, and how does diversity structure religion(s)?

Flyer (PDF)

Book of Abstracts (PDF)


Dr Anne Beutter, University of Lucerne, Switzerland

Dr Ramona Jelinek-Menke, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany

Prof. Karina Kosicki Bellotti, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

Sahra Lobina, MA, University of Lucerne, Switzerland

Brian McGowan, MA, Zurich University for Applied Sciences, Switzerland


SNSF - Swiss National Science Foundation

FoKo - Forschungskommission, Universität Luzern

SAGW-ASSH - Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften